Racing Legends Series - Start from Scratch
Racing Legends Series - Start from Scratch

Every detail counts
Our system engineers rigorously test every PC, making sure it's fully optimised and ready to go

World-class support
We've got your back with our customer care - from order updates to troubleshooting

5 year warranty
Our PCs are built to last. Just in-case anything goes wrong, we include an industry leading 5 year warranty
CPU Cooler
- Air Cooler
- Ethernet
- Integrated Graphics
Physical Dimensions
- Width:
- Height:
- Depth:
Front Ports
- - Headphone
- - Microphone
- 5 Years Includes:
- 3 Years On Site
- 2 Years Labour
- UK Mainland*
Rear Ports
- - Line Out
- Ethernet
Stock Code

Industry-leading 5 year warranty
We’re proud of how much customers love and trust us, and that’s why your PC is protected by an industry-leading 5 year warranty. So just in-case anything goes wrong, we’ve got you covered.
The first 3 years warranty covers parts and labour – we’ll collect your system, repair it and replace any parts as necessary, and return it to you free of charge. The final 2 years covers labour costs on a return to base basis.